



Lanyu workcamp vol.7: Education

2008.06.26: Lessons with kids....

Our volunteer team already spent half a week in orchid island/Lanyu.我們的志工團隊在蘭嶼已過半個星期。

After our first contacts with kids through sport games, we are more familiar with them and it become easier to get their attention. I noticed they are use to run everywhere and can hardly keep concentrating a long time.


Today, we plan to teach foreign language to the children. Of course, we don't want to teach them seriously, unlike lot of buxiban (補習班). We just let them hear some different pronunciation and have fun in exploring a new universe through songs and game workshops.


Our volunteer team is divided in three groups: Korean teachers, french teachers and English teachers. I am the only french so taiwanese volunteers join me to teach! On the picture below, you can see Aero who helps me to mime some situation :


We let the children do the dubbing in live, they can attend the course without get bored and memorize some simple words & sentences in french according to the situation. On the picture, Aero is receiving an invisible gift :we do our best to make the kids saying "merci " (thanks).


We also sang a typical french song for Kids "Frere Jacques" (Brother Jonh), the molody is famous all around the world but it exist many different versions. It is thus easier to teach. We also explain the meaning to kids (it is not about two tigers mentioned in the chinese version ^_^).

我們也昌法國兒歌"Frere Jacques" (牙克兄弟),這首歌的版本多元但是世界各地的曲調一模一樣所以小孩可以跟得上。我們也為他們把法文版的意思翻成中文 (與中文版的兩隻老虎都沒有關係 ^_^)。
Many language courses are expected this week!

