



台灣志工,你們是誰?/Campers survey

After having promoted workcamps abroad (both for indivdual and groupe projects)..we decide to really know who was the most interested in taking part of summer camp.
We had many surprise but let's see it together.

1/Individual Campers gender for summer camp 2008 and 2009....
個人計畫: 志工性別 (2008/2009年夏天計畫)

Men, where are you?
75% of individual Campers are girls, in spite of demanding physical work requested on many IWC in Europe. Wow girls! Are you more available or just more aware about work camp activities? Once again, we prove how brave and adventurous we are!
雖然很多歐洲IWC 的計畫針對喜歡比較"體力"的工作,75%卻是女生。 女生們,你們超利害喔!你們對工作營更有興趣嗎? 姊妹,我們又表明誰是最勇敢 ^_^

2/Individual Campers Age/志工年級 (個人計畫)

More than 2/3 of campers are aged below 26 years old


30.1%of campers are aged between 16and 20 years old, 38.6% are aged between 21 and 25 years old and 22.2%.
After 30 years old, the number of campers decreases significantly: 31-35 years olds represents barely 5% , less than 2%of campers are aged over 35 years old.

3/Campers Occupation 2008/2009 (individual projects)

More than 68% of campers are still students /68%以上的志工還在讀書.
This number fit with previous results about age classes. Probably more available because of long summer vacation, they can find 2 weeks to take part to IWC, it’s not that easy for working people (25.7%of campers) who have more purchasing power but less leisure time. 3.9% of campers are between jobs and can hardly ever afford such expenses .Because of age limits and inexperience, few campers are high school student (less than 1.5%).

4/Volunteers Zodiac sign...who's the first?

Virgoes(處女座) are champions followed by Libra (天秤座), Cancer and Aries are just behind !!!

What’s Virgo character?
“You are modest and don't like to draw attention to yourself. Where others seek the limelight, you get quietly on with the job, doing it as well as you can. You get a lot of satisfaction from making yourself useful and enjoy being of service to others.”
Libra’s Characters traits.
“The symbol for Libra is the scales, which stand for justice and equality. You are fair-minded and like to weigh up all the pros and cons before making a decision. You're also charming and diplomatic and have a flair for bringing people together. You are intellectual ,You are happiest in a partnership.”
Cancer’s character’s traits: ”You need to be needed and are very caring. Children, plants and artistic projects all thrive under your protection.”
Aries characters traits: “You are an initiator and your impulse is to meet life's challenges head-on, without thought for the consequences”

5/Chinese Zodiac (Individual campers , 2008/2009)

Dragons first! (1988 year)
With a large majority, followed by rabbits, snakes and horses are still in the race but have difficulties to follow…

Earth dragon characteristics…
“A dragon is fond of flamboyance and color and is a beautiful creature, bubbling with energy, utterly irrepressible and extremely gifted. A dragon is ambitious and loves to do things on a grand scale without being ostentatious. Earth dragon people, compared to other elemental dragons, are calmer, more in control of themselves, dependable, disciplined, systematic, practical, pleasant, congenial, supportive and friendly. Their level heads make them good managers.”


Rabbits are regarded as the peacemakers in any group. They remain calm in any situation, and are very slow to anger. They are good listeners, kind and sweet by nature, and are therefore often sought out as popular and trusted friends.
Rabbits are articulate and good communicators which is why friends and acquaintances seek out their advice. It’s also why Rabbits make excellent diplomats and politicians.

Funny...isn't it? ^_^

1 則留言:

  1. It's amazing that a French like you can speak English well and even know how to type Chinese word on computer. Thanks for your contribution to Taiwan. Your good deeds were reported on the Taiwan news paper.
