Environment protection
我欣賞這個無比美麗的海岸的時候就感到和平,然而我心裡想: 「我如果30年甚至50年後再來...風景還是會一樣美嗎?」
Of course, my volunteer's eyes don't perceive the same things than local people's ones but protecting environment and keep this place as clean as it was before is a challenge which involves everyone. That's why we have to work hand in hand with local people, if we came with our own projects and acted without their help, it wouldn't make any sense.
At first we organize some funny courses with professional teachers about Lanyu ecosystem: snails, snakes, birds etc.. Our volunteer team and kids discover what kind of animal are living in the area.
我們首先與從台北來的物理學家安排有互動的物理課。課程的內容與蘭嶼生態係統有關 :蝸牛阿蛇阿貓頭鷹等。無論是大人還是小孩,我們這樣學到很多知識 ,發現蘭嶼大自然的多元。
After courses, kids need to have a rest and go out for a while, it's time to ACT! We explain them we are going to clean the beach and invite them to join us. At first, they don't get exactly what we plan to do but follow us and naturally help us when we begin to pick up the rubbishes, they just do so.
下課以後 小朋友都認不住,只想跑來跑去,放輕鬆。行動的時間到了!我們告訴小孩我們在準備去清潔海灘,可以跟我們去。他們好想不太撩解我們的意思但還是很自然地跟著我們,幫我們撿垃圾。
Good kids!
愛麗佳 /Erika
The way they take part to our activities is very important, when the children get along with us and also clean up the area, they can realize that throwing plastic bags, bottles or broken toys on the sand is not a good habit because it doesn't disappear and resist to the time. They can figure out how dangerous it is to walk on broken glasses! We explain them why we clean up the sand, we hope it is meaningful for them too. If they are conscious about this very early, they can learn and keep good habits. When they'll grow up transmit it to the next generation.
我們要重視小孩參加活動的 "投入度"。當他們跟我們一起清潔社區或海灘,他們發現隨便丟塑膠袋,水瓶或舊玩具都是壞習慣,幾年以後大不分的垃圾還在!他們注意到玻璃瓶塊的「威脅」:很危險,不小心就受傷 @_@
我們要重視小孩參加活動的 "投入度"。當他們跟我們一起清潔社區或海灘,他們發現隨便丟塑膠袋,水瓶或舊玩具都是壞習慣,幾年以後大不分的垃圾還在!他們注意到玻璃瓶塊的「威脅」:很危險,不小心就受傷 @_@
i had never been a volunteer for this kind.
回覆刪除Thanks for doing this for our land~~~
Maybe I should start to do this same thing here.