



蘭嶼國際工作營 vol.4: Lanyu culture and challenges

22.06.2008: Our volunteer team (8 girls and 2 Taiwanese gentlemen) arrived in Lanyu (Orchid Island/蘭嶼)yesterday. The difference with Taipei is obvious, here we can hear the waves from the ocean surrounding us. Goats, pigs and small dogs stroll along the streets, neglecting cars and pedestrians. Aboriginal Kids enjoy a fresh and pure air anytime, far, far, far away from noisy big cities.


Despite of rich natural resources, Lanyu has been going through many troubles over the six past decades (demobilized Chinese soldiers penitentiary, nuclear waste question)with after effect on local society.

蘭嶼雖然擁有豐富的自然資源但是60年以來經過不少影響到當地社會的困難﹝大陸復員軍人的拘押 (1958-1972年),放射性廢物的問題﹞


In the morning, we visited the nuclear waste spot (蘭嶼貯存場) and discovered-or learn more- about one of the most important part of Lanyu History.

Group Picture/ 大家和照!

This afternoon, we visit the traditional wooden houses where people still live, 100% natural and comfortable...ideal place to escape the warm for a while...

Isn't it Yoon?

Moonie likes it much!

The isolation of Lanyu has both advantages and disadvantages. Owing to a natural barrier- the sea- the island kept its natural beauty. The access by air is limited (less than 20 people can board on special plane), and the sea transportation is very slow: 3hours to reach the island by ship from Taitung /台東 coast, the tourism sector can not be developed as well as Taiwan island coastal cities.

To the basic question: WHY DO WE HELD THIS WORK CAMP? I can figure out the answers...

The isolation creates a dependence toward government contributions,the local economic system is only based on traditional economic activities (fishing) that is not enough to develop the area. Lanyu actually has to face many challenges nowadays. The first one is the lack of education resources:the island isolated location doesn't attract teachers and kids can not enjoy the same scholar environment as a "Taiwanese" pupil.

One of the most important aspect of our international workcamp this summer is to provide basic foreign language courses to the children, play international game with them so that they can learn more about life abroad and we can also learn lot of things from them.

The first day we met kids/第一次見面小朋友:

The second one is to keep preserving environment, for local people beaches and sea is an area for fishing, not for swimming. When they grow up, kids stop playing in and swimming in the sea. Except Ah de Teacher (native from Changhua county), i didn't see any adult swimming in the sea. They don't look the shore as tourists do, and have the habit to throw litters everywhere, regardless of the consequences. Everyday, more and more litters are thrown on the beach, but it is not a fatality, with a little help we can clean it up!

To deal with this challenges, our volunteer team organize a working plan for the week, with a poster for the daily program:

I think we will have lot of work to do during the two weeks to come...


